Meet the layers of change ahead. How will you choose to journey with this elegant power?

Whilst the path is unique for every woman, those that choose the lens of naturalness, truth and ease are those that will begin to uncover the portal of joy at midlife.

As you lean into new perspectives, you are given a new lens to look through. The uncoding of old ways begins, and the awakening of new codes is switched on.

You’re not offered a story that makes you feel better, a pill that cures all, or a wand that takes away the pain - but instead, a place to reveal your truth, and make peace with it.

Menopause is the embodiment of change; it is her core value, her quality and her essence. It is her power and her vulnerability, and for us to find comfort through her layers we have to be willing to heal the parts of ourselves that are fearful of becoming all that we are and can be.

We must heal the parts of ourselves that restrict us from coming into union with our soul qualities and inner truth.



of midlife

An intimate 12 week mentoring experience where we journey together through the magical lands of menopause as we discover her freedom, her beauty and her colour, whilst experimenting with who you are as you shed what no longer belongs to you.


A new path awaits.

Let me show you who you WILL become.


Together, we heal how you feel about power, leadership and sovereignty.

we heal the girl inside and all that she is afraid of showing, for fear of people’s judgement.

I am here to support your healing process as you clear, shed, unblock and reimagine all of the social conditioning, patterns and belief systems. I am here to hold you, show you, share tools and explain what is happening without catastrophizing, as you navigate all of this newness as well as the discomfort it brings to your body, thoughts and life.

It touches your parenting, business, relationships, sexuality, presence, boundaries and spirituality. It touches your life in all directions and where there is a rise in your frequency and devotion, there is a rise in what becomes available to you.

So, how will you choose to journey with menopause?

How will you transform your relationship and everything you have been told and taken in through the media, your mother, your friends?

It’s time to see you for who you really are and dance in the softness of your own embrace.




Without a regulated nervous system, we cannot meet ourselves at our edges. Whilst our bodies hold our wisdom, they too hold our trauma and our memories, so we must first bring safety and stability to our nervous system. Together we come into the heart, deepen your understanding of the mind body connection, expand your capacity to hold more and reconnect you to your body's wisdom. You begin to trust yourself and balance your internal eco system whilst understanding your own compass. Here, breathwork, heart coherence and grounding practices become your tools towards a new relationship to yourself. With safety established, we’re now safe to venture deeper down the spiral.


Moving into soul territory

Next, your awareness takes centre stage. We tune into the mental chatter and decipher what is real and what is purely survival. We explore shadow work, subconscious and transformation of stories that no longer work for us. Here we work in the quantum where there is no time or space. In the realm of the unknown where we journey and create new realities for our thinking brain to feel ok with, so that our soul can come through. We hear the nudges of our soul more and more as we calm the mind and trust in this realm, softening into this new season. With our beliefs illuminated, we can now move differently.


You are the medicine

Here we work deeply with the ecology of self, where YOU are the medicine. We unkink the channel that came to be our humanness so that we get to live heaven on earth - soul purpose with human pleasure. We embody all that the body can feel. We move with pleasure, we feel pleasure, we taste pleasure. Our senses are brought through the portal of healing and delight, simultaneously working together. We remember that we are strong enough now - no longer the girl but the woman with life experiences. This is your rebirth as we shed conditioning, establish boundaries, journey through your imprints of menarche and birth, and uncover the story from maiden to maga. This healing journey does not ask you to become something or someone new, but rather unbecome everything you are not.

4 .


A descent into your power to decide that here is where you switch on your life. Turn up the vibrancy, add the colour, visualise, see, notice and CHOOSE. Feeling it in your body and inviting it closer as you get to know the newness of your body.



It’s in this realm that you adventure into your ecology and ask, who do I want to become? What do I dare dream and desire? And simultaneously, it is a mourning and grieving time for what has passed and will no longer be. For the woman we didn’t become and the things we haven’t done within this time, there is grief for the loss of what has been whilst looking forward to what we will become. This woman we have birthed who is stronger, more connected and aware - she is exquisite. And yet her desires have been hidden behind the caretaker role, and now is her time to create life from her soul. To be seen and be adventurous, whilst seeking the expanders and wayshowers who show us what is possible. Where the old paradigm would have us shrivel up and go hide in a corner, there are always wayshowers of how good this time can be. This is where we journey through this delicate process of endless self enquiry.


The presence of power and sovereignty.

Uncovering what is rightfully yours and what has been hidden behind the veil for decades, we ask: what do we need to remove to bring our power and sovereignty to light? The qualities of our souls that have always been with us, yet now beg to be defined for ourselves. Here you get to decide how good this really gets to be.


The Alchemy of Midlife is a personalised experience of journeying, designed to be a mix of exploration, acknowledgement, meditation, visualisation and hypnotherapy based on neuroscience, whilst using our senses, imagination and energy alchemy.

In this way, we get to transform our inner ecology.

The hypnotic brain wave created in journeying allows you to bypass your analytical mind and change your subconscious, connecting and forming new neural pathways and experience. As you journey, you're creating your new reality because the brain does not know the difference between real and imagined. By strengthening this new visual reality you have created in your journeying, your inner ecology starts to transform. Growing new synapses and new pathways makes them your new gateways and beliefs.

95% of our life is lived in the subconscious, as though we are on autopilot. We wake up and the rest of the day is a series of learnt behaviours, decisions and conditioning that we learnt from the ages of 0-6. We only live 5% of the time in our conscious mind, so within our journeying we go about re-imagining and reprogramming some of the learnt programming and conditioning we have adopted, or already have stored in our subconscious, so we can begin to move, behave and choose from a place that is deeper aligned to our real and present truth.

Like gardening, we are pruning what no longer serves and allowing the new to grow and flourish, changing your inner landscape.

Your new beginning starts here.

We, the women, are the divine creators and nothing will ever cease that. Not even menopause, the end of our bleed or the end of our fertility. 

Our womb is still fertile ground.

Now is the time for women to step into their power and become the new ancestors that future generations need us to be. The wayshowers. 

To help us go forward as stewards of the world, I invite you to join me in The Alchemy of Midlife. 



Extend your journey to where midlife meets your outer world

  • Midlife meets teens and young adults

    What we don’t heal within ourselves, we will likely pass on to our children. And by changing our stories of what has happened in the past, healing traumas around conception or birth and taking responsibility, we get to transform both our reality and theirs in real time.

    Alongside this, we also have an opportunity to help regulate our children’s nervous systems and give them agency, whilst we reconnect to our own. Which is why I also offer to work with your child at the same time as we work together over 12 weeks, or in the time afterwards.

    For children between 10-18 years old or 19 and above.

    I invite them to become their full sovereign selves, outside of the societal rules and conditioning that can leave our children feeling anxious, wilful and alone.

    Together we explore:

    Cultivating their uniqueness - filling themselves up with love and appreciation for their unique selves.

    Creating the boundaries of their inner kingdom - learning to extend them, reshape them and move them, whilst developing the power of presence.

    Learning how to become the leader of one’s self - bringing together all the self’s within their inner ecology, as well as within their world, school, nature and life.

    And finally, anchoring the power of who they are - honouring their unique energy field and how it is designed to fit into this earth body, beyond the labels and conforming ways of our world.

    4 weeks, 1:1

  • Midlife meets lovers

    This experience allows partners to connect with a broader understanding of menopause, whilst bringing understanding to the changing relationship to self that occurs during this midlife season. A space to better understand their partner, regulate their nervous system, find their own compass and answers, knowing too that they hold them all within.

    We explore boundaries, shadow work and a reconnection to intuition, so that in finding oneself they can find deeper love and connection with you.

    4 weeks 1:1


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