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How have you seen menopause until now? 

 What have you been projecting onto her and what projections are you choosing to believe about her? 

 Her truth lies under that dark shell that she has been encrusted with by us, our stories, the media and big pharma. In truth, she is flow, wisdom, knowing, rebirth, transformation and growth. She is our inheritance as women, as the creators. She brings wealth and her expertise so that we may lavish in her prosperity, in her lux, in her richness. 

Allow menopause, perimenopause and midlife to be a way shower to a better life

Let it wrap you up and unveil you, showing you your truth and uniqueness. Let it be a portal, an opportunity and an initiation into a greater you. This truly gets to be an exciting stage of your life.

 Ready to begin changing your relationship to menopause?





your Holistic menopause guide