120 mins

Working with cacao in a 1:1

Cacao as your spiritual guide, she partners with you and guides you into relationship with essence, soul and from there you adventure, journey, exploring possibilities. This is not a guided meditation with a destination and preconceived rout.

Alexa accompanies you on your journey, enquiring and sharing possibilities, directions to take, she asks questions for you to stay on your path of curiosity and potential. Bringing you back to your place of knowing, back into your body when the mind starts to takeover. Creating safety to access beyond the analytical mind

 We journey using your intention as the thread that weaves the images, colours, realms and symbols into the tapestry, you design, create and take home this work of art, your creation evolves, changes as you revisit and uncover more.

In this place we work with the allies of the earth and cosmos, we invite soul, essence back into your body and you become more of you. This is energy alchemy this is you becoming the expert on you, the circuit breaker.