Life is relationship, we learn in relationship, we grow in relationship, we heal in relationship, we know ourselves in relationship to one another, in relationship to our magic our genius were it can be seen and so we see it mirrored back to us. We are here on this earth together, transforming through our shared resonance.
Community can be human, and we can also make connection to the community of the earth, to our celestial community, to our spiritual community. This means we can have ceremony and be the only human there but still be in community.
How we attune to our body, our essence in a group to find our community, connection, beyond our bodies and form and into the formless where we are all connected.
Ceremony can lead us to a higher perspective and attend to our emotional bodies as we travel to higher places, our thoughts, mental constructs and the stories we run our life by can be seen, noticed and from this place we can choose the perspective, point of view we want to see the world through. The medicine of ceremony is living, it is not a set of rules, or a mental construct but a lived experience, connection, attunement to the present moment.
In community connection teaches us the value of being creators in this consumer society. We birth life, projects, beauty, ideas. We are no longer the voyeur of life happening around us but we are instrumental in the cocreation of the unfolding of our world.
Cacao is softening, heart opening, connecting, supportive and helps bring you back into relationship. She is a companion on your journeys and together we discover and share.